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Welcome to the World Public Finances initiative!
- We have registred four activities at WSF Caracas and one at WSF Bamako. Their general name is "Public finances and post-capitalism: how to build a financial and tax system which helps to overcome market society". This initiative would be launched by the networks which organized Otro Sistema Financiero seminars in Porto Alegre in 2005, and would be enlarged during the next weeks.
- We would like to see our activities not as simple debates -- but as part of a process which goal is to construct politically the bases for "World Public Finances". Which could they be: Currency Transaction tax? Control of financial flows? Cancellation of Third World Debt? International taxes to redistribute wealth? Close the tax havens?
- A coordination list for the initiative has been established in http://sympa.kaapeli.fi/sympa/info/wpf and a new website will be built in Brazil.
- The list and the website would be our instruments to debate the campaign and create the political base for World Public Finances. The first results of this debate would be presented at the events in Bamako and Caracas. When identifying possible panelists, we would choose those who could help us in this formulation. They would be invited not just to participate in the conference, but to be involved in the whole process. We would like to establish, in Nairobi (2007), a much more struturated proposal. Our task could be to prepare the events and the theoretical and political work between them.